Time to get your own health insurance?

Start here

Plus, our vetted library of actually helpful resources.

Understand the basics of health insurance but don’t know where to turn next? We’ve compiled our favorite resources for you to browse. Our goal is for you to get comfortable with the complex health insurance marketplace.


Led by an unbiased team of health insurance gurus, educators, and parents.

Health insurance matters and few talk  about it in a simple,  straightforward way. Enter: Health Lit Pro, a reliable resource here to help you take control of your health insurance journey.

What is Health Lit Pro?

HLP is a mission-driven educational endeavor determined to simplify the complicated world of health insurance. We aim to offer an entirely unbiased view into the world of healthcare—
no murky associations with insurance 
providers here!

Photo of Carmel Shields

Why we founded Health Lit Pro

When founder Carmel Shields’ daughter turned 26, a qualifying life event for her, the pair searched the internet for unbiased, helpful next steps to navigate insurance, compare cost and quality, and find key questions a young adult should ask—only to find a confusing tangle of information.

With years of experience in health care, Carmel believes that young adults need better access to trusted sources of information—presented in a way that resonates with young adults. Selecting health insurance is usually an annual process, and selecting a health plan should be tailored to each individual’s changing needs.

The more you know, the more savvy you will be with your health 
care dollars.

Get to know Carmel

  • 2023 Fellow, Harvard University’s Advanced Leadership Initiative; HPM Executive Council Member, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

  • Hiked Mount Katahdin and 110 miles of the Camino de Santiago

  • Lived in Australia and attended the University of Sydney School of Law

  • First job was working in a nursing home, making patients’ beds and serving lunch and dinner

Visual learners, this way.

Prefer to watch rather than read? Follow this link to our curated videos, explaining all things health insurance in 60 seconds or less.

View our video library

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Contact us

Health insurance is notoriously tricky and complicated. Tell us what we can do to improve your experience.

(Just please, no notes about your personal health information. That’s not what we’re here for.)